Set engine.material wireframe true = Once turned on, need to restart level to see effects, replace true with false and restart to return to normal.Īllow Fog(Small Detective Vision Draw Distance): Set engine.worldinfo worldgravityz 99 = this makes everything float, change the 99 to 00 to return to normal. Set bmgame.rgameinfo enablebigheadmode true Set bmgame.mshockglovesbase infiniteshockgloves trueīig Head Mode: (Will need to restart from checkpoint for full effect) (change the 0001 to whatever you want to make the enemies stronger) Set bmgame.mwaynetechupgradesystem upgradeall true Start New Game with ALL UPGRADES/GADGETS: (change the 999999999 to 00 to return to normal) Set bmgame.rspecialmoveconfig_relativeanimmove overrideglidespeed 999999999 Set bmgame.rplayercontroller capeglideminspeed 99 Set bmgame.rbmpawnspawner bpawnshouldfleeimmediately true Set bmgame.rbmpawnspawner bpawnshouldfleecombat true (Always use it on collectibles or enemies, otherwise it will crash the game)
Set bmgame.rlevelvolume overridebatclawrange 99999
Set bmgame.rgrapplegun maxgrappleheight 999999999 Infinite explosives (only tested as deathstroke) Set bmgame.rpawnvillian ispotentiallyinterrogatable true Clayface Mode (No Bones during detective mode)